Byng Biotech Consultants


Desai, R.P., T. Leaf, Z. Hu, C.R. Hutchinson, J. Galazzo, P. Licari, A. Hong and G.S. Byng, 2003. Combining classical and rational strategies for improved production of erythromycin aglycone analogs. (RAFT V, St. Petersburg, FL)

Preisig, C.L., S.C Chiu, A. Hong, T. Vanden Boom, J. Verburg, C. Thornton and G.S. Byng, 2000. Strategies for identifying and developing industrial biotransformations. (Biotechnology 2000, The World Congress on Biotechnology, Berlin, Germany)

Byng, G.S., 2000. Strain improvement for fermentation derived products. (Chemical and Pharmaceutical Ingredients Meeting, Milan, Italy)

Byng, G.S., 2000. Genomic and proteomic technology from MDS Pharma Services. (BioJapan 2000 Business Partnering Meeting, Tokyo, Japan)

Byng, G.S., 1999. An overview of MDS Panlabs Biotechnology Services. (Japanese Society of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry ’99 Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan)

Preisig, C.L., L. Taylor and G.S. Byng, 1999. Application of mass spectroscopy in screening for new biocatalysts. (InBio Europe '99, Biocatalysis for fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals)

Preisig, C.L., J. Laakso, U. Mocek, J. Ng, J. Baez and G.S. Byng, 1998. Biotansformation of canrenone and mexrenone. (American Chemical Soceity, Boston, MA)

Byng, G.S., C.Thornton and A. Hon, 1998. Impact of classical strain improvement on media optimization and fermentation process development. (All India Biotech Assoc., New Delhi, India)

Byng, G.S. and C.L. Preisig, 1998. Microbial Diversity and the search for new biocatalysts. (12th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium)

Byng, G.S., C. Thornton and A. Hong, 1997. Impact of strain improvement on media optimization and fermentation process development. (Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology. San Diego, CA)

Shiveley, R.D., C.J. Thornton, G.S. Byng and R.J. Tlachac, 1997. Selecting morphologicaly different mycelia from an isolated colony of Omphalotus olearius affects production of Illudin. (Soc Ind Micro., Reno, NV)

Byng, G.S. and C. Preisig, 1996. Microbial diversity and the search for new biocatalysts. Pres. at New frontiers in screening for microbial biocatalysts. (Abs. L20, Ede., The Netherlands)

Byng, G.S., C.J. Thornton and J.M. Westfall, 1993. Selection of Sulochrin deficient strains in an Aspergillus tereus culture that produces lovastatin. (European Congress on Biotechnology, Firenza, Italy)

Pedigo, L.A., V.R. Stienecker, D.D. Baker and G.S. Byng, 1993. Diversity of active fungal isolates in a natural product screening program. (Ann Meet, Mycology. Soc. Am., Athens, GA)

Baker, D.D., V.R. Stienecker, L.A. Pedigo and G.S. Byng, 1993. Diversity of active microbial isolates in a natural product screening program. (Soc. Ind. Microbiol., Rohnert, CA)

Thornton, C.J., J.M. Westfall and G.S.Byng, 1992. Selection of Sulochrin deficient strains in an Aspergillus terreus culture that produces lovastatin. (Soc. Ind. Microbiol., San Diego, CA)

Byng, G.S., 1992. Microbial diversity: Data Management Technologies in biological screening. (SRI, Menlo Park, CA)

Bycroft, N.L. and G.S. Byng, 1990. Improved enzyme stability under detergent wash conditions using an alkaline lipase from Pseudomonas plantarii. (Soc. Ind. Microbiol., Orlando, FL)

Byng, G.S., N.L. Bycroft, B.G. Simon and L.L. Weber, 1988. Numerical classification of alkalophilic bacilli. (Bact. Proc. R2, p.238, Miami Beach, FL)

Byng, G.S., A. Berry, R.J. Whitaker, B. Rightmire and R.A. Jensen, 1986. Features of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis are conserved among phylogenetically related members of rRNA Superfamily C. (XIV International Congress of Microbiology, Manchester, UK)

Wollweber, K.L. and G.S. Byng, 1986. Generic probes for amylase genes. (International Symposium, Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Split, Yugoslavia)

Byng, G.S. and L.L. Weber, 1986. Production of a novel microbial biopolymer. (Miles Research Symposium)

Weber, L.L., G.S. Byng and L.L. Lasure, 1985. Protoplast formation and regeneration in Flavobacterium arborescens. (Bact. Proc. 143, p.61, Las Vegas, NV)

Byng, G.S., A. Berry, B. Rightmire and R.A. Jensen, 1985. The shikimate pathway of Azomonas insignis: Evolutionary implications. (Bact. Proc. R39, p.195, Las Vegas, NV)

Byng, G.S., 1984. A review of the new enzyme product screening program. (Bayer, Wuppertal, W. Germany)

Byng, G.S., A. Berry and R.A. Jensen, 1984. Evolution of the shikimate pathway in the Acinetobacter/florescent pseudomonad/enteric cluster. (Bact. Proc. K105, p.164, St. Louis, MO)

Byng, G.S., 1983. New Microbiologicals - screening for useful compounds. (Joint Miles/Bayer Biotransformation meeting, Elkhart, IN)

Berry, A., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1983. Phylogenetic status of a phenylalanine hydroxylase containing pseudomonad. (Bact. Proc. K251, p.218, New Orleans, LA)

Byng., G.S., A. Berry, R.J. Whitaker and R.A. Jensen, 1983. Evolution of the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway in the florescent pseudomonad-enteric cluster. (Bact. Proc. K250, p.218, New Orleans, LA)

Berry, A., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1983. Evolution of the bifunctional P-protein in the purple sulfur lineage of prokaryotes. (American Society for Microbiology, Geneseo, N.Y.)

Whitaker, R.J., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1983. Route and regulation of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Xanthomonas campestris. (Bact. Proc. K260, p.220, New Orleans, LA)

Jensen, R.A. and G.S. Byng, 1982. Anabolic pathway patterning reflects prokaryotic phylogeny. (XIII International Congress of Microbiology, Boston, MA)

Jensen, R.A. and G.S. Byng, 1982. Isozyme regulation of biochemical pathways. (International Congress of Isozymes, Austin, TX)

Berry, A., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1982. The phylogenetic status of a phenylalanine hydroxylase containing pseudomonad. (American Society for Microbiology, Rochester, N.Y.)

Byng, G.S., R.J. Whitaker, M.J. Fiske and R.A. Jensen, 1982. Effect of glyphosate on the shikimate pathway in Euglena gracilis. (Bact. Proc. K127, P.159, Atlanta, GA)

d`Amato, T.A., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1981. Aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Halobacteria. (American Society for Microbiology, Binghamton, N.Y.)

Whitaker, R.J., G.S. Byng and R.A. Jensen, 1980. Comparative allostery of DAHP synthase an indicator of taxonomic relatedness. (American Society for Microbiology, Geneva, N.Y.)

Byng, G.S., R.J. Whitaker and R.A. Jensen, 1980. Enzymology of the shikimate pathway as a means of determining natural relatedness within the Pseudomonas genus. (Bact. Proc., Miami, Fla.)

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